How to Hold a Successful Board Meeting Online

The pandemic of influenza has put many businesses into an unsteady state which has led additional resources to more board meetings held online than ever before. Remote work is likely to be a constant change in the way board members are expected to function. It is therefore essential to ensure that your meetings are productive and engaging. This article will provide basic practices you can use to improve your meetings via virtual.

Set clear goals for every item on the agenda. This will stop you from unnecessary discussions and ensure that all meeting participants feel their input is valued. It’s also important to determine if a topic is meant to seek information, spark discussion, or reach a conclusion to ensure that your team will not be discussing the same topic when it’s already been addressed.

Encourage board members to test their Wi-Fi connections and audio/video equipment prior the meeting starts so that the meeting can begin with a smooth start. It’s also a good idea to encourage attendees to use a muffle when they are not speaking to minimize background noise and avoid distractions.

Post the minutes of each meeting on your online portal, and then send a link to your board members via email. This will keep everyone on track and boost accountability between meetings. A dedicated software for managing boards such as Boardable can also assist in organizing and store all your board documents in one location.

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